Friday, July 19, 2013

Domino Effect


Life is a culmination of so many functions falling aptly in place. Everything becomes just right and there it is oozing, shining and moving at different paces at times witnessed for very short intervals struggling to survive or else with sublime ease in a cozy corner, curling, waiting to come out but it never gives up on us. This process creates ripples at some unattended level and whatever that we do, see, understand, express is for its sustenance and smooth flow. A haircut holds as much importance for a kid as a wedding ring for would be bride. A planet so full of contrast yet interweaving and mutually symbiotic associations keeps it intact. Our eco system is ever evolving by virtue of which we gain intelligence each day and claim to be ahead of man before us. World wide acceptance of certain benchmarks and belief systems creates the concept of champions and a pedigree of humans breed who dedicate their lives for this attainment and dream of living in that state perpetually the highest pinnacle to be witnessed. We test our limits and challenge our turf at rapid pace. A perpetual thought process has been imbibed and inculcated in children and adults alike to outshine which is a core concept of a fit state of existence.

We had plethora of thinkers and what not who have propounded many such states of existence which are secretly celebrated by the so called intellectuals. There are some to be respected of being calm & sober yet sharp as their concepts were like a needle piercing through us resulting in smooth ooze of knowledge after the pain of unlearning the unnecessary.The entity who gets most celebrated and takes the pie is the one who has created a paradigm shift to that present scenario on the timeline in terms of totally breaking convention. We as spectators are the safest as we neither win or lose and consider ourselves unaffected from the macro incidents which don’t mind to break the monotony of our daily state of affairs. All life seeks a private quest to attain a primordial itch of establishing its worthiness at a task which comes natural to it.

Majorly the flow of life events is such in the present era that a consistent limbo state is lived upon which has the capacity to detach the individual from its real aware self and is clouded by peer movements, altering state of choices playing with their unconscious (inception is too sexy to state here ) and we find a product slave lurking in by lanes who to the best is unaware of his misery state and living under anesthetic influence.
The saner lot who understands the “world's manipulators trick” stands on a wooden plank to shock the masses by checking in on and tuning the crowds @ realty (eg – Assange, Snowden and others) being not their supporter but accepting that they flashed the truth so they are entitled to B beheaded.

Influenced and dictated by unknown lifeforms who wishfully & sanely lack any ounce of understanding of a seekers mental framework is the worst thing happening presently. Technology is the one pioneer thing which is on wave ride and making it all look neat but it is like growing a limb and abandoning the rest - essential to the whole. This mesh of connected virtual & real life (all to all) if seen as a perspective from say MOON creates a divine symmetry and respect but to go down and get hands dirty is left to the undeserving - a visionary voice is born which demands justice in terms of honest re balancing of priorities. Each instance we sacrifice our necessities for unknown luxuries.

A sleeping butterfly rising from its slumber ready to flutter her wings slowly with yearning to break limits beautiful & committed to its task doing what naturally demands its own self while immersing in the act. Life is stubborn and supple at instant we instead of controlling should let go and slide though the ever continuing sheer fine fabric which holds the universe in its entirety. 

Reverence to Eternal Flaming fountains of never ceasing life.

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