Thursday, September 9, 2010

Divine Intake

21st CENTUARY: 2010
It all starts from someone who brings u into the covenant u are alien to its basic nature. always known as a option looked down upon and not to b chosen even restricted by law but still outnumbered, mass following increasing day by day people from the anvil ~ novices trying it on a regular basis getting used to that alien smell the noticing aspect is the art by which it is created from starting to end comparing both the novice and the expert the difference lies in the small details. Armatures these day are preoccupied in walking through the lanes of this craft getting used to the mechanic process which is integral to the experts nature, the uninitiated travels the path to be an expert by each passing day and the expert longs for its memoirs when he was what he is not today when 1 drag would give him those moments which are lost now although presently he remains in a perpetual trance state. He longs for the catharsis.

The hands twitch and there comes a fine sheen of white paper all symmetrical with a unique Spanish name Rizilla, the intelligent prefers to customize the act to suit the group's current state, the proportions of mixing the tobacco flakes with the green dried grass are so precisely monitored as if its gold in making and it becomes a subconscious fetish. The fingers then have to administer fine work of camouflaging so that there is no caste bar remaining between the two cousins, evenly distributed on the white sheen it is held up with calculated angels of thumb and fine fingers where the small dwarf is ready to b inserted at the conjunction of the rolled crescent and the cave part of human face, finally the balancing touch of the tongue’s slimy liquid touched in moderation eventually uprising a long round pole shaped formation flourishes , The MISSION is achieved voila the baby is born.

With so much intangible satisfaction attached to it the consumption starts for the 1 who is a rookie he sits with impatiences with gleaming eyes and lord Agni is invited to light the pole which has so high stakes as its not machine made , he becomes enchanted by what he sees, there may b t lights , trance/Buddha ambient music and then the covenant gears up for the rotations of inhalation & exhalation’s mechanical process the mind bends and gives up to the new found luxuries personal gratification begins taking control of the arena very few take time to understand the substance and I feel sorry for the newbie’s who have abused the art for finding personal god’s and jailing them in their own illusionary domain getting off side from the tracks of the real understanding, the hard earned decorative is finally burnt to a golden bright circle of fire enhancing selfish angels which are portrayed with big ego boxes , I strongly feel there has to an institute where learning can happen on the real usages, techniques and understanding of the plant.


The first half was aimed to bring to light the present real time case scenario where the usage is umpteen mixed with alcohol and u know what. The reasons are many and names are plenty, Ganja Weed Grass Charas hashish MARIJUANA. Unknown a smoker speaks hailing lord Shiv this is his Prasad not a problem smoking it, across our subcontinent people in plethora administer it not expensive so sorted after by many.

Let’s now zoom out of this pathetic human dimension and zoom into mount Kailash for a change to make things familiar to your conscious otherwise think what you may because he is all pervasive. Lord Shiva is perpetually in a Samadhi state,unconscious, semi conscious or fully conscious only he himself knows this is the Shiva force In this form that v see as an image since time immemorial in temples, questioning this would be like asking why does river Ganges doesn’t flow in the opposite direction. We understand that Shiva is the supreme consciousness and so many secrets unfolds to the seeker much learning happens just by looking at him thoughtfully, more than a god head he is a mystery and unravels with great understanding.
Shiva is god to all devas asuras and humans etc, his ways are distinct and his name is ancient and resounding in the universe. Now he has this strange habit of consuming the grass which humans don’t have a hint to decode and it makes the fact more strong that our ancestors were monkeys because we simply replicated that what we see. This life for many of us is not that eventful in the full course and at times person wants to forget everything and just b with himself this is just a small understanding that I see through, Shiva is out of time the bigger aspect called Mahakal so he has been a key witness to much chaos like the architect in matrix.
He feels happy his way and remembering not just 1 life time but many eons is taxing on Shiva so conch chillum filled with marijuana makes him forget the world he is the destroyer and for him there is nothing to remember. The world comes and goes but he remains and all is him, weed brings less sleep and immediate concentration and thoughtlessness, so a small drag for him is allowed after all he is the one who started the process of consumption , other than this logic there are spiritual effects > there is a curse on marijuana which is first removed and used by tribal people to control hunger so it was more then simply pleasure intake it is a rough grass not found in tame lands.
So there are many hidden secrets to the substance and 1 known prominent benefit is it brings happiness laughter and light mood, so nothing bad after the act of destruction he is still guilt free because its his karma to do that, lastly as said by the great lord himself somewhere when advised not to smoke on harms of memory loss, lighting his chillum he said
that is exactly why it is good no idiot who smokes this is afraid of forgetting he is scared of not forgetting and the guy wondered what terrible past could have initiated Shiva to get addicted to this strange stuff.
Oh even I finished my stick, my small insisting to all ~ think twice before smoking there is a karma gathering on you while you divulge deep into the pleasure there will b a repay of it not now may b later, do it the safer way .ASK ME …

> This has been my original understanding of the subject I picked with my own experiences also yes met the long matted guys who are masters of the art

>Some lines are taken from the immortals of meluha to suit the occasion.

>That’s a small view point on lord Shiva you may have yours as many minds so many are the universes and so are the gods.

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