Thursday, September 23, 2010

I. eye.

The concentric rings, core black in the centre and brown and blue or green or black spreading out the cornea like a spider’s web a smooth layer of skin flaps it to change images formed at the mind and fleeting in 1/10th of a second but the impression on subconscious lasts forever the first memory! Close your eyes, that u see are a glimpse of invoked divinity. Untainted. then you may ask questions when you were dead or enlightened in human world we call it sleep the missing piece of life and so many hours lost to it.., you ask what did I saw it is not known dreams of very unique nature some of it becomes embedded not to be forgotten till the end and some you force on yourself to occur, natural is the way let it come on you. Receivers work is to receive and display clear.

Reverse the wheel go deep down remember it all scattered pieces of existence not neatly symmetrical but still crucial for identity the intangibility of which the self is made the ethos, the character, the very own nature. It cannot be undone once started it only flows forward with again bits and pieces adding some make sense and some seem totally alien. The oldest small spark in the head everything adding to the unknown balance sheet Surreal seems confusing and which the mind cannot comprehend it rejects outright but then to change to alter dimensions is not what I suggest. I ask to make this dimension the altered one

The images get in and get out some get stuck in the filter the filter is your intellect the material used decides what it will keep and what it will reject.. The eye sees the aim and the aim wants the eye the ultimate balance that keeps all intact …. In infinity v r lost and in limits we succeed whenever the quest for the limitless is made the limited gets lost… its an achievement or a tragedy is yet to be decided but our forefathers changed some rules they for the convince of their children and understanding the sheer dumbness encompassing us which they could foresee captured the unlimited in the bottle of wine the shaped divinity which are tapped by meticulous still doable ways.

The precious exercise is to make the eye see what is hidden to generations mind is a gimmick it deludes and senses are slaves, the visions are an imp tonik which differentiates the special.. the power centers focused on by mind have the ability to do what is really wished for but the animal inside humans has to tamed in the right manner or else it creates havoc the practice is quite essential. It a process of lifetimes but they are short lived due to the addiction of the game. The naked wanderer is the real king. Faiths only I ask you to give to the universe. In abundance and that’s all... rest is automatically taken care of. The rhythms are ancient and the rites are continuous. The adoration never stops once you uplift and know the real there is no turning back. The karma pulls back but the penance like a knife cuts it.

The brightness inside a tiny dot fucking bright. That’s soul. Remember it’s the essence. Bring it to the centre of the forehead and raise it. Put the memories in fire. Purify them and as well the desires for future…. there u stand naked with the bright light in the centre of forehead. Pushing towards extremes break the chord balance is the key. Nothing is to be overdone. Just the eyes in the eyes, the visual coitus maintained. Finally some tears may roll out of longing and the skin lids close. But the balls still see. Don’t wish MOKSHA its devastating total annihilation even a new born is better he kicks and cries but the person on the verge of moksha is in coma. Will seem to you externally so atleast. …

Feel it inside like hunger or restlessness as you focus,.. The vision has to be of the above and pure... Just keep on walking and one day you without knowing U yourself end up submerged into the sea.

I don’t know how this flowed. But whatever happened has more heart than mind.

Left handers are wonderful They have the right brain working for them.

The echoes are transmitted.

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